1 Thessalonians 2 - Affectionate Desire
1 Thessalonians 2 is filled with Paul vocalizing his love for the Thessalonian believers. He sacrificed, risked, and worked hard for them to know the gospel and he has come to love them like a parent loves a child. He loved the Thessalonians enough to exhort them when they needed to be called out of sin.
Proverbs 27:6 tells us, “faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.”
He encouraged them to walk in a manner worthy of God. He thanked God constantly for them, and that they had received the truth of the gospel. He was “affectionately desirous” of them. That is some really intense language!
Are you discipling anyone? Would you risk much for them? Do you love them like you love your children? Would you say something bold they might not want to hear but for their own good? Do you thank God for this person and for their salvation?
If I’m honest, I struggle with loving this fiercely. I fall short of affectionately desiring most of the time.
Paul gives us an incredible picture of what it looks like to love deeply and to love rooted in the gospel. This week dedicate time to praying FOR the other believers you are sharing life with. Thank God for who they are in Him. Ask God to help you serve, sacrifice, and love them deeper. Also find time to pray WITH the other believers in your life and thank God for the gift of fellowship!
SPENCER ROTH | Pastoral Intern
Spencer is newly married to his beautiful wife Peyton. Spencer attended Texas A&M for two years before moving to Birmingham, Alabama to serve as an intern for a year in the worship ministry at the Church At Brook Hills. He currently serves as our Worship Leader and as Pastoral Intern.
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