See How Great an Advocate
1 John 2
This chapter begins with a medley of some of the most incredible truths of Scripture. First, that God knows that we are sinners (we don't have to hide it from Him). Secondly, that when we (inevitably) sin, God is not only the Righteous Judge (who makes things right) and not only the Suffering Savior (who takes the judgment of the Father), but also our Advocate (who stands by our side and argues our case before the Judge). Imagine the perfect courtroom with the perfect judge, the perfect jury and the perfectly guilty defendant, me. Enter the perfect defense lawyer, Jesus. In this courtroom, there are no short cuts, no winks and nods to lessen our penalty. It is required by the nature of the Judge that justice be served, and we stand clearly guilty and deserving of being condemned to death (Romans 6:23). But our lawyer, out Advocate is none other than Jesus Christ. No one can doubt His integrity, no one can doubt His word. His closing arguments will win any jury and His very righteous presence directs the outcome. Where we start out as guilty and worthy of condemnation, we exit the courtroom freed, with our Advocate already having taken the penalty of death for us. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by (our) works, lest any man should boast. Such a lawyer we have! Willing to not only represent us, but to die for us and to satisfy the just wrath of the Judge in His own person. There is no other like this Man, this lawyer. How can these things be? How could we have a Savior who is so much and yet also so willing to love us like that? These thoughts are too high, I cannot attain to them (Psalm 139).
If we could get this truth and keep this truth in our heads, how different would our lives be? We would be overflowing with gratitude for the pardon we've received, we would be fighting to tell others what is available to them, too. We would be unable to silence our own lips. Through Him, then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name (Hebrews 13).
If we could get this truth, we would run into fellowship with our fellow pardoned ones, we would recognize that we have the deepest thing in common. We would not invest in this world or the things of this world, but we would want to hasten the day that we see the One who loved us that much face to face (I John 3:1-3). If we could get this truth, our lives would reflect Him, because we would be saved by Him, we would be in awe of Him, we would want to know and love Him more deeply (abide in Him), we would want to live for Him and tell others about Him.
If we could get this truth, we'd be anxiously looking for the Day that He comes for us, the day we fully know Him (which is eternal life! according to John 17:3)
If we could get this truth, and acknowledge whose we are, we would be becoming daily more like Him.
TOM ALBERS | Elder Chairman
Tom committed his life to Christ as a junior in high school in 1975. After moving to Austin in 1995, Tom and Cindy attended Hill Country Bible Church in Cedar Park before becoming part of the HCBC Pflugerville and Hutto Bible church plants. Tom serves as a Small Group Leader and in Youth ministry and in other ministry oversight roles. Tom and Cindy were married in 1986 and are parents to Will, Emily, Clare, Hannah and Nathan and grandparents to Owen.
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