Archives for October 2021

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TITUS - Week 3: The Ministry of Confrontation


Week 3: The Ministry of Confrontation From Sunday's sermon, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging? In your reading of the entire letter of Titus, how were you encouraged? How were you challenged? Read Titus 1:9-16. Based on Paul's instructions to Titus, how can you spot a false teacher; what are their characteristics? Are y...

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TITUS - Week 2: What Good Order and Good Leadership Looks Like


Week 2: What Good Order and Good Leadership Looks Like From Sunday's sermon, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging? Why is good order essential to health in a church? Can you think of some examples where good order is not present in the Church (big C) today? Please discuss? Will you pray for Hutto Bible Church to continue to have g...

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TITUS - Week 1: Truth That Leads to Godliness


Week 1: Truth That Leads to Godliness From Sunday'ssermon, what did you find either mostencouragingor mostchallenging? Read Titus 1:1-4.Paul identifies himself as "a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ."What is your identity? What uniqueabilities,gifts,resources, orexperiencesmight you use toservethe Lord and bring Him glory? In vers...

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