TITUS - Week 4: The Character of a Healthy Church
Week 4: The Character of a Healthy Church
- From Sunday’ssermon, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging?
- Read Titus 2:1-10.What instructions are given specifically for Titus? Why is teaching the truth so important?
- Of the4 types of people listed in verses 2-8, which type are you? As you look at your life, how do Paul’s words here offer you both encouragement and challenge?
- Men, whatspecific areas of growth listed do you need to focus on? Women, what specific areas of growth listed do you need to focus on?
- Where do today’syoung men and women learn how to think and behave? How would it be different if there were godly older men and women serving as mentors?
- If you areolder, are you deserving of the respect of younger believers; and are you using your position intentionally to help those younger than you?
- How canboth older and younger believers profit from these kinds of relationships?
- Older menand women, what are you currently doing to finish well spiritually? How can you encourage a younger believer this week?
- Younger menand women, what are your currently doing to build the right spiritual foundation? How can you seek counsel from an older believer this week?
- How canthe way we live and the way we work make the gospel either appealing or unappealing to outsiders?
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