Unfolding Grace

Unfolding Grace – Week 16
Israel Receives a King (1 Samuel 7-11)
Read pages 219-231 in Unfolding Grace this week.
- God had long promised to provide a king for Israel (Genesis 17:6, 49:10), and even given direction for the appointment of a king (Deuteronomy 17:14–20). So, what is wrong with Israel’s request for a king in this passage?
- Israel wanted Yahweh as their safety net or backup plan. Have you ever made the same mistake of treating the Lord as your safety net while still wanting to live as you see fit?
- Has being blessed with abundance (money, health, job, family, etc.) encouraged you to find your security in Christ, or simply trust in the blessing?
- Was there ever a time in your life when the absence of physical blessing (money, health, job, etc.) allowed you to experience great spiritual blessing?
- Have there been times in your own life when you have been thankful that God said “No” to one of your prayers?
- Have there been times in your own life when you have been regretful that God said “Yes” to one of your prayers?
- We read in Unfolding Grace, “This is how God works: He folds even our rebellion into His plan to do us good.” How have you experienced this on a personal level?
- How does 1 Samuel 7-11 point to Jesus Christ?
- From Sunday’s sermon, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging?
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