Unfolding Grace - Week 31

Unfolding Grace – Week 31
Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem (Mark 9-12)
Read pages 465-480 in Unfolding Grace.
- From Sunday’s sermon, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging?
- From Mark 9–12, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging?
- Why was Jesus transfigured? Why did the God who came incognito momentarily reveal His identity and deity?
- What was the purpose of including Peter, James, and John in this trip up the mountain?
- Considering what God told Moses (Exodus 33:20), how could Peter, James, and John stand in the presence of God and behold His glory (John 1:14) without dying? What made the difference?
- How did Jesus fulfill the promises Moses and Elijah embodied? (See Matthew 5:17 and Luke 9:30-31)
- How does the command to listen to Jesus, and not Moses or Elijah, affect your view of the prophets, priests, and kings of the Old Testament? (See Deuteronomy 18:15 and Hebrews 1:1-2)
- When have you been to the mountain top? When was the last time you beheld His glory, encountered the majestyand/or transcendence of God?
- Spend some time searching the Scriptures for yourself. What other passages show us Jesus in His glory or speak of it?
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