Men's Ministry Chili Cook-Off and Cookout

February 21, 2025
6:00pm – 8:30pm
Category: Men's Ministry Coordinator: John AdamsBrothers! Whether our temperature is in the 40s or the 80s ... nothing says "Winter" like a pot of HOT CHILI! Of course, we know some of you have that special recipe that you're just dying to show off!
SO, join us Friday, February 21st for our second annual Chili Cook-Off and Cookout! You can register yourself, or a team, to be a part of the Chili Cook-off portion. OR, you can register to come eat some chili and hang out!
For those who enter the Cook-off, we will have prizes available for the best chili of the night! For those registering to come eat and hang out, come hungry!!
We're looking forward to our time of fellowship, brothers! We'll see you on February 21st!
** If you register for the Cook-off portion, more information will be sent out prior to the event. Just keep your eyes open for it.
CLICK HERE to register.