A Year Through The New Testament

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The Story Isn't Over

ACTS 28 Last we saw Paul, he was shipwrecked on his way to Rome. Chapter 28 picks up right where 27 left us. Paul washes ashore, and spends three months where he landed. Then, he continues his journey to Rome. After years of attempting to go to Rome, he finally arrives. What does he do? He goes to the Jewish leadership. He preaches the gospel. And then, it ends with ...

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Stability in the Storm

Acts 27 As Paul travels for Rome on the open seas he faces a devastating storm. As the other travelers panic, Paul hears from an angel of God that no one's life will be taken by the storm. "Do not be afraid Paul; you must stand before Cesar. And behold God has granted you all those who sail with you" Acts 27:24 Paul encourages the passengers to be at ease, he ha...

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Obstacle or Opportunity?

Acts 26 It was Teddy Roosevelt who said,"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." In Acts 26, the apostle Paul dares mighty things. I love this chapter...

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Boldly, Accurately, Honorably

Acts 25 As I read through Acts 25, one thing that continuously runs through my mind is Galatians 5:22-23, which we will get to later in this reading plan. But to quickly summarize, Paul is writing to the churches in Galatia regarding what it looks like to walk in the Spirit. These are the verses in which he explains to us the fruit of the Spirit, but after which he make...

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ACTS 24 Throughout life we can often find ourselves wrongly accused. It is not uncharacteristic to become defensive, to focus on the other parties behavior and see the situation elevate into personal attacks. In Acts 24 we see Paul be falsely accused and defamed. He is attacked and arrested. Just one chapter prior there were plots to kill him. How does he react to being...

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The Bible Isn't Boring

ACTS 23 Working with teenagers, I hear many excuses from students as to why they don't read their Bibles. I don't get anything out of it I don't understand what it's saying I don't have the time I can kind of understand where they're coming from, but there's one answer I don't understand at all. IT'S BORING! When I hear that excuse I usually think to myself, "...

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Tell Me Your Story

Acts 22 (Acts 22:15) "For you will be a witness for Him to everyone of what you have seen and heard." The Book of Acts is exciting, amazing stuff! And it is also very encouraging.I am encouraged that the greatest evangelist ever, the Apostle Paul, would often default to simply sharing his personal testimony. Paul had an awesome intellect, was highly educated,skilled in...

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Would I?

Acts 21 Sometimes an act of bravery, commitment, and unbelievable resolve captures our imagination and inspires us to examine ourselves for hidden reservoirs of such qualities within ourselves. Such acts, though are rare and noteworthy. They are often history-worthy events. Two come readily to mind for me: Who can forget the images and reports from 9/11/2001 of firefig...

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Acts 20

Acts 20 Paul isn't known as the encourager, but here he is showing his love for these people who are "in battle" with him for the Lord. Within the first two verses, Luke comments that he encouraged disciples before he had to leave (Ephesus) and then went to several other regions and encouraged the disciples there. Every church (or set of churches) needs someone like thi...

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Acts 19

Acts 19 As I've read through Acts approaching the 19th chapter, we've had great discussions in my small group, my discipleship group and at home regarding the adversaries and obstacles that Paul, Peter, Philip, Stephen and others faced as they sought to advance the gospel to the ends of the earth. One real obstacle were the bands of Jewish "groupies" who seemed to show ...

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