A Year Through The New Testament

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Take Heart!

ACTS 18 Acts 18:1-16 chronicles Paul's time in Corinth. Verse 11 tells us that he spent a full 18 months in the city. This chapter gives us the background to understand the letters he would later write to the church there. WHAT DOES THIS TELL ME ABOUT GOD? When we are on God's side, God is on our side. Paul's initial efforts in Corinth were rather discouraging. Afte...

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The Unknown God

Acts 17 Great chapter! Paul ministers is three very different cites, facing opposition in each while remaining faithful to the gospel.If you are looking for an example to follow, Paul is a pretty good one! Thessalonica -(Acts 17:2-3) ...he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from th...

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An Unconventional Missionary Journey

Acts 16 In Acts 16 we see Paul being led to many different places in an unconventional missionary journey. In a string of Holy Spirit led divine appointments its easy to almost get frustrated for Paul as we would probably be unsure of what in the world to do next in his situation. "The Holy Spirit forbid them to speak the word in Asia" Acts 16:6 "And when they had...

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Essence of the Gospel

Acts 15 Essence of the Gospel The thing I like about Acts 15 is that it reminds me of the essence of the gospel. The chapter opens with a heated argument between Paul and Barnabas and Jewish Christians from Judea. The argument was over traditions and customs established under the Law of Moses. The Jewish Christians argued that one must adhere to the customs of the Law ...

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Action and Reaction

Acts 14 Throughout this chapter clear evidence is communicated or demonstrated regarding the Gospel. In the first paragraph "Paul and Barnabas spoke so effectively," some believed but others chose not to. Our Lord confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders. But again there were those that chose to believe and those that chose not to...

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God Keeps His Promises

ACTS 13 It's time to pass the torch! Up to this point in Acts we've primarily been following Peter, but starting in Acts 13, we start to track Paul, his three missionary journeys, and his trial and imprisonment. Here are some details on Paul's first missionary journey from the ESV Study Bible: Paul's First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:414:26)c. A.D. 4647Barnabas a...

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Praying for the Persecuted

Acts 12 This passage begins with the sober news that Herod, "killed James the brother of John with the sword." As I read this sentence, my thoughts landed on John - the little brother who was left behind. What if you were John and youreceived news that your brother and best friend had just been martyred for his faith in Jesus? How would you feel? How would you respond? ...

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Out of My Comfort Zone

ACTS 11 I like you. I feel comfortable around you. In general, I know what to expect from you. Or I probably would if I got to know you. Even though I don't know who'll end up reading this blog, the statements above are likely true. If you're reading this chances are very good we're a lot alike. Unless you came across the URL via a "friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend" ...

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A Light To The Gentiles

Acts 10 Luke starts off by introducing us to a centurion, or a Roman military officer, who was "a devout man, who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people and prayed continually to God."Here is a Gentile (or non-Jew) that is chasing hard after God. It appears he is trying to follow the Old Testament laws and be obedient to the Lord. If someo...

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Paul's Conversion

Acts 9 In Acts 9, Luke relates the amazing work of the Holy Spirit in Saul's life. Saul was renamed Paul to reflect the radical turn his life took from being a passionate persecutor of Christ's followers to being a passionate follower of Christ himself. Not only did he "sell out" everything (in the Philippian letter, he says, "I count everything as loss in view of the s...

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