We have a very simple structure here at Hutto Bible Church. We are not affiliated with any denomination. As an independent church, we follow the biblical guidelines for leadership and function.

Hutto Bible Church has chosen to be an elder led church. The elders, as overseers of the local church, are responsible for the spiritual health of the Body. They are to glorify Christ by serving the Body according to the biblical principles of love and care.

Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust. Acts 14:23

Hutto Bible Church's elder council consists of two distinct roles, Shepherding Elder and Governing Elder. All elders that are called and appointed by the body will carry out the role of a Shepherding Elder. The purpose of this role is to shepherd the flock of God under their care. (1 Peter 5:2) 

In addition to this role, the Governing Elders will manage the business of the church. In practice, the Governing Elders establish the guidelines and policies for programs, and the general conduct of church business. All of our Elders are to lead by precept and example, realizing they are accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ for their efforts. (Heb. 13:17, Acts 20:24,28



Bobby was born and raised in Atlanta, GA. He is the youngest of 13 children and was the first believer in his family. He graduated from Columbia Bible College and has served in churches in South and North Carolina. Bobby and Amy have been married since November of 1990 and have 3 children—Riley, Beau, and Emma Grace. Amy is the co-founder and Co-Director of Solid Foundation Preschool.

The Pruitts moved to Texas in April of 1994 to join the staff of Hill Country Bible Church of Austin. Bobby served as their Student Ministries Pastor until June of 2005 when he moved over to become the Pastor to Families at Hill Country Bible Church of Pflugerville. Bobby has served as the Lead Pastor of Hutto Bible Church since July of 2009.


Before coming on staff at HBC, Michael served as the Director of the Saturate Austin Institute at Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, Texas. Prior to that he served on staff as the Executive Pastor at Baptist Temple (BT) in McAllen, Texas. Although there was a substantial administrative component to his daily routine, his passion was to see men and women, young adults, students, and children explore the depths and riches of the new life in Jesus. Michael received his Master of Arts (M.A.) in Theology and Theological Studies from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2011. Michael has been married to Beckie, the love of his life, for over forty-five years. They have three adult children, one daughter and two sons, and thirteen grandchildren.


Scott committed his life to Christ as a child under the teaching of his parents and church. Scott and Nan have been married since 1985 and have three adult children (Mindy Schultea, Kate, and Matthew) and three grandchildren. He graduated from Ozark Christian College in 1989 with a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Literature and served 8 years as Minister of two churches in Missouri and then 3 years as a Church Planter in San Marcos. Since then, he has worked as a technical trainer at several high-tech companies. In 2008 Scott and Nan joined HCBC Austin and then Hutto Bible in 2011. Since 2013, Scott has become passionate about global outreach to unreached people-groups and about local evangelism as well. Scott serves by leading a Community Group with Nan, organizing short-term mission trips, participating in door-to-door evangelism, and occasionally teaching in our Sunday morning classes. Nan joyfully serves as a teacher in Children’s Ministry.


Tom and Cindy came to faith in High School and became involved in InterVarsity Fellowship in college where they fell further in love with Jesus, worship music and missions.  They met and married at a Bible-teaching church in Houston in 1986.  They moved to Round Rock in 1995 and joined HCBC Austin. In 2000, they joined the HCBC Pflugerville church plant and were a part of the Hutto Bible Church plant in 2007 as founding members.  Tom has served faithfully as an Elder and as a leader in many ministries at HBC, including Finance, Benevolence, Global Outreach, and countless more. In addition to her role as wife and mother, Cindy has served many years with Tom in Community Groups, Student and Children’s Ministry as well as mentoring younger women and moms.  She currently serves in the Prayer, Hospitality and Evangelism ministries.Tom and Cindy have 4 children:  Nathan, Will (wife, Emily), Clare (husband, Stephen), Hannah (husband, Joshua), and 8 grandchildren. 


Greg and Rhonda both accepted Christ growing up in the Fort Worth/Dallas area but renewed their commitment to Christ and began following Jesus with greater purpose after their marriage in 1989. After living in several southern states, God brought them back to Texas in 2004 where they settled in Hutto, raising two children, Elissa (29), and Nate (27). As a family, the Stantons are among the founding members of Hutto Bible Church, helping to plant the church in 2007. Greg served on the setup/tear down team during the early years and both Greg and Rhonda have served in children’s ministry in a variety of duties. Currently Greg serves as a head usher and Rhonda is a part of the finance team. Greg and Rhonda are humbled and eager to serve the Lord in a new way during this exciting time for Hutto Bible Church as we carry out our common purpose until everyone knows.


Jason was born and raised in the Rio Grand Valley in McAllen, TX. He gave his life to Christ when he was 8 years old and felt a call to serve in Christian ministry in high school. Jason and his wife Christie, first met at church youth group. They have been married for 29 years and have triplet sons, Jacob(23), Cody(23) ,and Ridgely(23). They moved back to McAllen, TX after college where Jason worked in family businesses and served bi-vocationally in youth and worship ministries. He has provided worship leadership for collegiate and young adult ministries, church planting, and later, serving on church staff in the San Antonio and Kansas City Metro areas.  They have participated in encouraging and strengthening the global church in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Mexico.  Jason and Christie moved to the Austin area and started attending Hutto Bible in 2020.  They currently lead a Community Group on Sunday nights. Christie works as a teacher of students with visual impairments. She enjoys ministry opportunities related to her field and serving in missions and children’s ministries.


Jeff was raised in Cool, Texas. He is thankful to have been “dragged to church” by his parents, who still go to same church 60+ years later. He gave his life to Christ at an early age, while watching a Billy Graham Crusade. Jeff met his wife, Sandy at Texas A&M where they both graduated. They both re-dedicated their lives to Christ after a weekend retreat in 1991, called Walk to Emmaus. Jeff and Sandy moved to the Austin area in 1996, began attending HCBC NW, thanks to their coworkers. They helped plant Parkway Bible Church in 2000 and Hutto Bible Church in 2007.  They have served in different ministries over the years at different levels. They currently serve as Community Group leaders. What keeps them busy?  Their seven, fixin' to be eight grandkids, ranging from 19 to 6 months old.


Josh was born and raised in Houston, Texas. Josh met his wife, Ashley, while attending the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, a significant chapter in his life that led to their marriage in 2004 and the joy of raising three children together - Addison, Barrett, and Lexi. Ashley homeschools their kids who are in High School and Junior High. In 2007, Josh submitted his life to Christ. Soon after, Josh and Ashley helped plant a multi-site church in McAllen TX where he would become the Executive Pastor. His passion is to grow ministries, organizations, and businesses. He currently owns a marketing agency and volunteers in the church as the Director of Men's Ministry. In addition, he and Ashley co-lead re|engage, marriage ministry.

gold line



Jonathan was raised in Austin, the son of a preacher. He accepted Chris at a young age but drifted away during High School and College. God rescued both Jonathan and Maxine when they met and married in Costa Rica in 2001. They have been married for 23 years and have two children, Nathan and Kate. Maxine accepted Christ at First Evangelical Free Hispanic Bible Church during a service. Once they joined Hutto Bible Church, God really grabbed ahold of their hearts. They host and help lead the Spanish speaking Community Group and have served as re|engage table facilitators. Maxine also serves in the Children's Ministry and as part of the Evangelism team. Jonathan has served in various ministries and is now serving with the Evangelism team.


Chris was blessed to have been raised in a Christian household. Raised in a Christian community, he and his siblings all attended church from birth. In Chris’s walk of faith, he had several moments of rededication over the course of his life. He and Wanda have been married for nearly 20 years now and have 5 children; Samual, Kaylee, Lily, James and Noah. Chris and Wanda both grew up in the Austin area and have lived in Hutto since 2011. They joined Hutto Bible Church as members in November of 2022. Wanda and Chris both serve in Children's Ministry, host a Community Group, and love to host Backyard Bible Clubs. They love serving God by serving His Church and Chris is honored to have the opportunity to serve God and the Body in a shepherding role.


Chris was born and raised in the Dallas area. Jacki was born in Corpus and grew up in the Austin area. They met when Chris moved to Austin in 2002. They have been married for 19 years and have two teenage sons, Brennan and Liam. Brennan will be graduating from Hutto High School in the spring and Liam is in 8th grade. Both boys were born and raised Hutto Hippos! Chris and Jacki both accepted Christ at an early age and started attending Hutto Bible Church in the fall of 2009, where they started to actively live out their faith. They have faithfully served in multiple ministries since joining the church. Together they have served as Children's Ministry teachers, relengage table facilitators, Community Group leaders, and they currently serve as High School Student Ministry leaders. Chris has also served in the Facilities and Benevolence ministries and as a Governing Elder. Chris is a Business Unit Manager for an electronics manufacturing company and Jacki is a teacher at Solid Foundation Preschool.


Riley is a pastor's kid, growing up in various suburbs of the Austin Metro area. He was privileged to have his dad lead him to Christ at an early age. In 8th grade, he moved to Hutto with his family where they attended Hill Country Bible Church Pflugerville (now Parkway Bible Church) where his dad served as their family pastor. After Riley’s dad stepped into thelead pastor role at Hutto Bible Church in 2009, Riley has had the joy of attending and serving the church ever since. Riley is a husband of 10 years to his beautiful wife Alaina Pruitt and a father of 4 wonderful children, Beau, Indiana, Bennett and Lucy. Professionally, Riley is an engineering manager and has been in the industry for over 10 years. Riley has served in multiple areas at Hutto Bible over the years but has mostly focused on Worship Ministry, where he has served as a volunteer Worship Leader since he was in high school. In his spare time, he’s a songwriter passionate about writing music for the church. Leading the church in worship has been one of the sweetest privileges of his life.


Joel Rothrock grew up in Hutto, Texas, from the age of 8, when it was still a small, close-knit community. He committed his life to Christ at just 4 years old at Hill Country Bible Church NorthWest, the “mother” church of Hutto Bible. In college, Joel recommitted his life to Christ, a turning point that deepened his faith and prepared him to meet his wife, Gabriella. Married in 2015, Joel and Gabriella now have three children, with a fourth on the way. Joel has attended Hutto Bible since its founding in 2007, when his parents became founding members. Over the years, he has served faithfully in Children’s, Youth, and Worship Ministries. Currently, he serves as the drummer on the Worship Team, a role he has loved since his teenage years. Professionally, Joel works as a data scientist, but his greatest passion is serving the church. He loves equipping the saints for ministry, teaching theology, and seeing others grow in their faith. Joel is excited to continue supporting Hutto Bible’s mission to glorify God and serve the community.


Trey moved to Hutto in 2007 with his family and is a proud graduate of Hutto High School (Go Hippos!). After graduation, Trey went to Blinn College. In 2012 Trey sensed the Lord calling him to a life of service in full-time ministry, and transferred to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. After graduation he moved back to Hutto. In 2017 Trey met Kristin Taylor and in July of 2018, the two united in marriage. They have two sweet kiddos, Taya and Nolan. Trey joined the staff of Hutto Bible Church in May of 2016 as Student Ministry Pastor, and now serves as Pastor over Spiritual Formation. Kristin currently serves as part of the Women’s Ministry team. They have served together in Student Ministry and as Community Group leaders. Trey and Kristin love being a part of Hutto Bible Church and their desire is to serve this community as long as they can, with as much as they have to give, and with as much faith as the Lord will provide.


Zach grew up in the Central Texas area and placed his faith in the Lord Jesus at the age of 8. His family started attending Hutto Bible in 2012 and Zach has been attending ever since. Zach first served as a Worship Leader in the Student Ministry, and upon graduating High School served as a Worship Leader in corporate worship at Hutto Bible. Zach met his wife, Lizzie, during their freshman year of high school and they began dating a few years later after they reconnected at Hutto Bible. They married in July of 2019. Lizzie spent much of her childhood in the Central Texas area and placed her faith in Christ at the age of 6. Lizzie and her family came to Hutto Bible in 2012 and served in the Latino Ministry. Lizzie is a full-time homemaker and stay-at-home mom. Zach and Lizzie are blessed with two boys, John Wilder and Ambrose Josiah. Zach came on staff in January of 2021 as our Worship Director and was ordained to the pastorate in September of 2022.


Jared was born in Chandler, Arizona and raised in Pflugerville, Texas. He gave his life to Christ at an early age but, later in high school, felt a call to serve in Christian ministry in a greater capacity. After a year of playing college baseball, Jared sensed the Lord calling him to pursue pastoral ministry. He attended and graduated from Moody Bible College with 2 years of pastoral residency programs at Parkway Bible Church and Hutto Bible Church. Since October 2023, Jared has served as the Student Ministry Director at Hutto Bible Church. Jared and his wife, Emily, met in middle school and were married in August 2023. While growing up in Pflugerville, they have grown to love the city of Hutto. They currently serve together in Student Ministry and have the incredible privilege of investing in the next generation by helping the students of Hutto Bible Church follow Jesus!