In this broken world, we as God's people are presented tremendous opportunities to demonstrate God's love for one another and our love for Him by serving others. Our earliest example of this is in the early church where the believers "sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as any had need" (Acts 2:45 CSB).
Sometimes people don't know where to begin for obtaining help and services needed. Our Benevolence Ministry exists to help members of our church and our community find and access services needed to maintain their lives. Whether that's through our church, other local churches and non-profits, governement agencies, or even a friendly neighbor willing to lend a hand, we want to see how we can assist you.
This form is for those who need assistance or help finding resources AND for those who would like to help others in this process. We will do our best to respond to you in as timely a manner as possible.