D-Groups for High School Students

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Every Thursday until January 4, 2023

7:00pm – 9:00pm

Category: Student Ministry | Coordinator: Trey Dove

D-Groups stand for “Discipleship Groups” and they are in place to help our High-School students take the next step in their growth as disciples of Jesus. Our goal with our D-Groups is to build on what was established in C-Groups. In D-Groups, our high school students are split into smaller groups based on their grade and gender. 
In addition to the three things established in C-Groups, our goal is to equip our high school students with: 

  1. A deeper understanding of God’s word. Rather than going through a three-year curriculum, we spend more time studying specific books of the Bible and occasional topical studies meant to equip our students with the tools needed to follow Jesus in an increasingly hostile, and ever-changing culture. 
  2. Theology. In studying specific books of the Bible, our hope is to equip our students with a deep and rich knowledge of the Christian faith. We want them to know God, and to know some things about Him. Our desire is that they would know the beliefs of the Christian faith and the beauty of the tradition of which they have inherited. 
  3. Apologetics. More than simply equipping our students with arguments, we want our students to have a firm foundation on which they can stand when they leave our ministry as high school graduates. Occasionally this means discussing other beliefs, but most often this entails addressing the cultural narratives and false stories that our students are exposed to on a regular basis. 


  • Will be going through the Gospel of John
  • Thursday evenings / 7:00 - 9:00pm
  • Location: various homes (Trey will email your home assignment)


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