Sermons from 2023
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 31, 2023
The Blessings of Sanctification
Speaker: Trey Dove Series: Benediction Topic: Topical Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:23–24
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December 24, 2023
From Aspiration to Actuality
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Benediction Topic: Topical Passage: Hebrews 13:20–21
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December 17, 2023
How Then Shall We Live
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Benediction Topic: Topical Passage: Philippians 4:8–9
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December 10, 2023
The Blessing of Priesthood
Speaker: Zach McLeod Series: Benediction Topic: Topical Passage: Revelation 1:4–6
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December 3, 2023
The Blessing
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Benediction Topic: Topical Passage: Numbers 6:22–27
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November 26, 2023
Jesus' Most Famous Sermon
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 7:28–29
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November 19, 2023
Solid Foundation or Sinking Sand?
Speaker: Sean Chandler Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 7:21–27
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November 12, 2023
Enter by the Narrow Gate
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 7:13–20
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November 5, 2023
Judge Not
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 7:1–12
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October 29, 2023
Sermon on the Mount - Week 9
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 6:19–34
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October 22, 2023
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 6:7–13
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October 15, 2023
Be Righteous - But Be Careful
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 6:1–6, Matthew 6:16–18
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October 8, 2023
Loving Our Enemies
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 5:38–48
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October 1, 2023
Marriage, Divorce, and Keeping a Promise
Speaker: Trey Dove Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 5:31–37
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September 24, 2023
Living a Spirit Empowered Life
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 5:21–30, Galatians 5:16–25
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September 17, 2023
Sermon on the Mount: What did Jesus believe?
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 5:17–20
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September 10, 2023
Sermon on the Mount: Week Two
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 5:3–12
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September 3, 2023
The Good Life
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Sermon on the Mount Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 5:1–6
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August 27, 2023
Legacy: Week Four
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Legacy Topic: Topical Passage: Colossians 3:12–16
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August 20, 2023
Legacy: Week Three
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Legacy Topic: Topical Passage: 2 Timothy 3:14–15
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August 13, 2023
Legacy: Week Two
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Legacy Topic: Topical Passage: Psalm 145:4, 2 Corinthians 5:15, 1 Samuel 2:12–30
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August 6, 2023
Legacy: Week One
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Legacy Topic: Topical Passage: Deuteronomy 6:4–7
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July 30, 2023
The Tenth Word: Be Content
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:17, Psalm 73
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July 23, 2023
The Ninth Word: Honor Reputation
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:16, James 3:6, Matthew 12:36–37
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July 16, 2023
The Eighth Word: Honor Property
Speaker: James Foster Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:15, Psalm 24:1, Matthew 6:19–21, Malachi 3:8–10
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July 9, 2023
The Seventh Word: Honor Marriage
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27–30, Psalm 1:1–6, Zechariah 3:1–4
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July 2, 2023
The Sixth Word: Honor Life
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:13, Hebrews 11:4
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June 25, 2023
The Fifth Word: Honor Parents
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:12, Proverbs 1:8–9
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June 18, 2023
The Fourth Word: Remember the Sabbath
Speaker: Trey Dove Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:8–11
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June 11, 2023
The Third Word: Unparalleled Reverence
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:1–20, Ezekiel 36:22–23
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June 4, 2023
The Second Word: Undiluted Worship
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:1–22, Hebrews 12:28–29
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May 28, 2023
The First Word: Unrivaled Allegiance
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Decalogue Topic: Topical Passage: Exodus 20:1–20
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May 21, 2023
Grace & Hospitality
Speaker: Trey Dove Series: Awakening Topic: Topical Passage: John 4:1–26
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May 14, 2023
The Church in Antioch: A Center of Revival
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Awakening Topic: Topical Passage: Acts 11:19–26, Acts 13:1–3, Acts 15:1
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May 7, 2023
Revival or Remnant?
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Awakening Topic: Topical Passage: Romans 1:18–32
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April 30, 2023
Holy, Holy, Holy
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Awakening Topic: Topical Passage: Isaiah 6:1–8
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April 23, 2023
Taking God Seriously
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Awakening Topic: Topical Passage: Psalm 139:23–24, 2 Chronicles 34:26–28, Habakkuk 3:2
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April 16, 2023
Do It Again, Lord!
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Awakening Topic: Topical Passage: Psalm 85:6–9, Hosea 10:12–13, Psalm 69:32b
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April 9, 2023
Easter - Because I Live
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Topic: Topical Passage: John 14:1–6, John 14:18–19
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April 2, 2023
Palm Sunday - Significance of the Death of Christ
Speaker: Michael Hall Topic: Topical Passage: Acts 2:22–23, Acts 3:12–15, 1 John 4:9–11, 1 John 2:1–2
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March 26, 2023
Daniel 12: Go Your Way Till The End
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 12:1–13
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March 19, 2023
Daniel 9:20-27: The Determined End
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 9:20–27
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March 12, 2023
Daniel 10-11: Prayer, Principalities, & the Sovereignty of God
Speaker: Trey Dove Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 10:1– 11:45
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March 5, 2023
Daniel 9: For Your Own Sake
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 9:1–19
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February 26, 2023
Daniel 8: Hey! Preparation, Presentation, and Transformation
Speaker: Trey Dove Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 8:1–27
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February 19, 2023
Daniel 7:
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 7:1–28
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February 12, 2023
Daniel 6: Long Obedience
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 6:1–28
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February 5, 2023
Daniel 5: The Writing On The Wall
Speaker: Trey Dove Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 5:1–31, Jeremiah 17:9–10
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January 29, 2023
Daniel 4: The Sin God Will Not Tolerate
Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 4:1–37
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January 22, 2023
Daniel 3: Do Not Comply
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 3:1–30
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January 15, 2023
Daniel 2: When Everything Falls Apart
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 2:1–49
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January 8, 2023
Daniel 1: Drawing the Line
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Stand Firm Topic: Book Study Passage: Daniel 1:1–21
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January 1, 2023
The Word Before the World
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Topic: Topical Passage: Psalm 19:1–6
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