A Light To The Gentiles

through the new testament acts

Acts 10

Luke starts off by introducing us to a centurion, or a Roman military officer, who was "a devout man, who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people and prayed continually to God." Here is a Gentile (or non-Jew) that is chasing hard after God. It appears he is trying to follow the Old Testament laws and be obedient to the Lord. If someone called me a devout man who feared God, gave generously and prayed continually -- I would be quite happy with that reputation or description. What an amazing man Cornelius must be!

As he is praying, an angel comes to visit him. As with all visits from angel, his immediate response is "terror." Isn't it interesting how we always think of angels as these beautiful creatures that would be wonderful to uphold, yet Scripture consistently shows us that the people who encounter them are terrified. The angel communicates directly with Cornelius and tells him to bring Peter. Cornelius doesn't waste any time -- he calls two servants and a "devout" soldier (obviously Cornelius had been influencing these people already) and explained everything that just happened to them.

At nearly the same time (next day), Peter is praying but gets hungry. God gives him a vision of animals, reptiles and birds in a great sheet descending from the heavens. God instructs Peter to get up, kill and eat. Peter's response is so encouraging to me... but not for a good reason. Peter is disobedient to God three times. Does that number seem to ring a bell with Peter? - Denied Jesus three times before the crow (xxx) and states his love for Jesus (xxx). - Seems to be a pattern for our good friend, Peter. However, God explains to Peter that He can make all things clean. About this same time, Cornelius's guys show up and invite Peter to his house. He then understands, thanks to the Spirit, that he is to put aside his Jewish customs and rules and accept the invitation.

You have to love Peter. He gets to Cornelius's house and sees a bunch of Gentiles. His first response to them is:

You yourselves know how unlawful it is a for a Jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation...

Now, I don't want to criticize Peter here because I would probably have made a worse comment or done something even worse, but what an introduction! "Hey guys... you know I am not supposed to associate with you because you are unclean, but here I am!" But God laid out the plan for Peter beforehand via the vision so that he would understand what he was supposed to do. God helped Peter to understand that He shows no partiality and that everyone who fears Him and does what is right is accepted by God (Acts 10:34).

So Peter responds to the invitation by sharing the gospel clearly with these Gentile folks. While doing so, the Holy Spirit falls upon those who are hearing and they begin to speak in tongues and praise God. Peter had to be amazed at what he was witnessing!

Peter commands the Gentiles to be baptized in the name of Jesus once they have received the Holy Spirit. It is striking for two reasons to me: (1) He commands it. It wasn't optional for these folks and (2) baptism was post-conversion. There are always theological debates on the importance of baptism and I love this brief section of Scripture (Acts 10:44-48) and what it teaches us about the importance of baptism. It wasn't an option for these new-found believers. Likewise, it wasn't the baptism that saved them -- it was the Holy Spirit indwelling them as they responded to the gospel.

This is a critical turning point in the New Testament. What was previously available only to the Jews, Peter (and others sooner after) realized was available to the Gentiles. Suddenly, to be called a "child of God" took on a different meaning. God wasn't about only saving the Jewish nation -- He was about saving all of those people who would bow their knee and put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. God's plan was much bigger than any of the apostles had realized at this point. God started to reveal to His chosen people (the Jews) that He would make all nations clean, if they only had faith. Jews and Gentiles would be considered equals.

Do I ever stop to recognize that God has a plan much bigger than me or my simple world? He brought me into this world for a purpose. He has given me my family, my friends, my church, my job -- all intentionally and with purpose. Peter was listening to the Spirit when he was instructed to go to the house of Cornelius. Am I listening to the Spirit or am I too busy living my life filled with priorities to slow down and consider what God would ask me to do?


Father, thank you for the example of Cornelius. Thank you, Lord, for Peter's stubborn response to you but then his faithfulness in slowing down to listen to the prodding of the Spirit. Lord, forgive me for not giving you more of my life and more of my time. You are the reason I am here and I forget that. I live my life as if I am here for me and to please my own desires. Father, forgive me for making myself something much more than I am. Lord, give me strength and boldness in character. Help me to be more aware of the Spirit speaking truth into my life and directing me. Father, give our church the courage and boldness to live on mission for you -- to put you first in their lives and not to seek man's approval, but Your approval. Let Your church in Hutto be known as a devout group of people who fear you, give generously and pray continually. In Your precious name, Lord Jesus. Amen. 

Jason and Larissa JASON WORTHEN | Elder

Jason and Larissa were part of the founding members of Hutto Bible Church in 2007. Previously, they attended Hill County Bible Church Pflugerville for nearly six years. They have been married for 16 years and have three daughters: Elisabeth, Sarah and Rebekah. Jason is employed by General Motors and Larissa is a stay-at-home mom who works three times as hard. Jason put his trust in Christ in 2003 when he was attending Bible Study Fellowship in Austin. Both Jason and Larissa have served in Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry and in an elder capacity. - See more at: http://www.huttobible.com/elders#sthash.y5gPRGXs.dpuf


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