As He Passed By | John 9

Sometimes we forget that the  Bible was written without chapters and verse numbers, and more importantly we read the Bible too quickly.  

So when John 9 starts off with...

As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.

sometimes we forget to stop to look back at the context.  When the Bible was originally written (and there was no verse or chapters) this is how this would have read.

So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.  

As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.

When chapter 9 starts, Jesus was on the run for his life!

Scholars debate how much time passed between these two verses, but the transition between Jesus running for his life and Jesus running into the blind man was simply "As he passed by."  

The story which follows is the story of the man born blind from birth.  At the time, the man would have been considered a total outcast.  It was so widely accepted that he must have had some sin problem that right in front him the disciples start debating the man's sinfulness.  He was shown no dignity.

But while Jesus was on the run for his life,

  • Jesus paused to heal him.  
  • Jesus paused to love him.
  • Jesus paused to defend him.

That is the love that Jesus has for each of us.  Jesus pauses to show love and concern for us.  

At the center of the gospel is the idea of mankind running from God, but Jesus pursing us at great cost to Him.

Just like Jesus paused to heal this man, Jesus loves you with that same love!