Hebrews 7

 through the new testament hebrews

Hebrews 7

Admittedly, as I’ve been reading through the first few chapters of the book of Hebrews, I’ve been really struggling with trying to understand and grasp all of the information and doctrines. I’ve found the daily blogs to be really helpful in filling in a few of the gaps, but in chapters 5 and 6 we are introduced to a peculiar phrase that I was not sure how to process correctly. That phrase is, “the order of Melchizedek.” I read that and immediately think of some sort of secretive, underground cult. That’s obviously the wrong way to interpret that phrase, especially when it comes to relating it to Jesus. Then I get to chapter 7 and see there is a whole chapter dedicated just to that phrase. I began reading it and things became a little clearer, but I still didn’t quite get it. So I thought I would just wait for someone to provide some insight in their blog, until I realize I get the privilege of writing the blog for this chapter. As a side note, this should be evidence that God exists and He has quite the sense of humor. So here is my attempt to make sense of chapter 7.

In verses 1-10, the writer explains that Melchizedek was a king and a priest during the time of Abraham. He blesses Abraham and was therefore highly respected and honored by Abraham. There is an interesting narrative in verse 3 in which the writer says he has no ancestors or decedents, and that he was not born, or that he died. The writer also makes it a point to convey that Levi was not even born yet. This is pretty significant because typically when I think of Old Testament priests, I think of the tribe of Levi from which all Jewish priests were appointed. So here, the writer is saying before the Law was given, there was someone who was offering prayers and praise to the Most High God.

Before I move on to verses 11-28, I’d like to spend a quick moment on the significance of king and priest. A King is someone who has authority to rule. If you were under the authority of a king, the king had the right to dictate every aspect of your life whether you liked it or not. A Priest was someone appointed by God to cleanse people or make them acceptable to enter into the presence of God. With Melchizedek, this is the only time we see someone holding both offices at the same time.

Moving on to the rest of the chapter, the writer begins pointing out how Jesus is a greater priest. The Levitical priesthood was inadequate to achieve perfection under the Law because that which they were sacrificing and those making the sacrifice were imperfect. Jesus was the perfect and the perfect sacrifice. Levitical priests had to make numerous sacrifices. Because Jesus was perfect, he only had to make one sacrifice for all people for all sins for all time. Levitical priest occasionally entered into the presence of God on behalf of the people. Jesus continuously leads us into God’s presence. Lastly, Levitical priests were appointed because the tribe they were born in to. Jesus became a priest because he would not die.

So what does “the order of Melchizedek” mean? Well, it means there is certain criteria that separates one from the Levitical priesthood. That criteria was that one hold the office of both king and priest at the same time. Additionally, one must be without ancestors or decedents, and will live forever. But even still, Jesus supersedes this criteria because he is a greater King. He does not does force us to believe in or follow him, but he meets us where we are, lovingly and patiently drawing us to himself. He protects and fights for us against our enemies. He provides and nurtures and leads us to life. He is a greater Priest because he doesn’t have to make a sacrifice for his own sins prior to making a sacrifice for us. He only needed to make one sacrifice, once and for all. He continuously makes intercession for those that God calls near. And he will live forever.

These are some great and amazing truths to take comfort in, but yet so much more depth to consider for a very long time. I think the greatest lesson I learned from this chapter is actually not from the text itself. I learned that when God puts something on your heart or raises a righteous curiosity, He will see that you get your answer. Sometimes in such a way that launches you from your comfort zone.

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 10.53.01 AM Marty Pina | Elder

Marty and Cecily began attending Hutto Bible Church in August of 2008. They both began living out their faith in 2003 while attending Gateway Community Church in Austin. They were married there in 2004. Marty serves in children's ministry, as a small group leader, small group coordinator and as a shepherd. Cecily has served as a C-group leader in student ministry in the past. She currently serves on the worship team and co-leads a small group and co-shepherds with Marty. Marty is currently employed as a network engineer for Time Warner Cable. Cecily is a medical billing software trainer for Brightree. They have two daughters, Alexis (19) and Zoe (8).

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