Holy Spirit

through the new testament acts

Acts 1

In Acts 1 scripture tells us that if we truly are Christ followers the Holy Spirit will indwell us.

"You heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Acts 1:4,5

Nothing here is too explicit as to what that means but here are some basic implications or thoughts on the Holy Spirit

Notice that last point above… “Joyful obedience.” Now I don’t know about you but the word obedience tends to come with some negative connotation. Being the wise old age of 25 (wink wink) I like to think I know A LOT and obedience is not on my list of things that seem to bring me happiness, but like we learned in our series on the Ten Commandments: The Law is our tutor so that we might learn of our need for a savior. Guys, I really really need a savior.

“I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word” - Psalm 119:16

The Psalmist is singing about the law. Seems crazy but he understands that Gods law is meant to lovingly steer us towards surrender, and ultimately our good, and His glory.

All of that being said, when we fail to see what is beyond a list of rules, our attempts at obedience without the Holy Spirit lead to the cold, droning, lifeless doctrine of legalism.

When we are in prayer, in the word, and truly in surrender to the Spirit’s work in our life, then we are able to do all he has called us to do.


God I ask that you would break my heart for what breaks yours. Help me want to even begin to surrender my decisions, my actions, and my life to your spirit working through me. Help me want what you want. Your plans are far better than mine or anyone else’s. I love you and I need you. Amen.

 Spencer Roth 

  SPENCER ROTH  |  Pastoral Intern

 Spencer went to and graduated from Hutto High School. After graduating he attended Texas A&M for two years before moving to Birmingham, Alabama to serve as an intern for a year in the worship ministry at the Church At Brook Hills.

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