Remember! - Luke 22

Luke 22

  • Judas betrays Jesus.
  • Soldiers arrest Jesus.
  • Peter denies Jesus.
  • Guards mock Jesus.

Some times we become so familiar with a story that we forget how truly horrifying they are.  In a single chapter of the Bible Jesus is betrayed, arrested, denied, and mocked.  You can't overstate how horrific this truly was. The Savior of the world, God in flesh, came to Earth to save us, and in His final days He was betrayed and denied by two of the peope closest to him, and mocked and arrested by lowly soliders.

So often we become so familiar with these details that we forget how truly horrifying Jesus' betrayal and trial truly were.

Interestingly in the midst of a story of the betryal and humiliation of our Savior is also the Last Supper.  A time when Jesus told His disciples EXACTLY how He wanted them to remember what was about to take place.

Luke 22

19 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

It was as if God knew just how quickly we would forget the great sacrifice that He made.  So in His final moments He established something for us to do which would constantly remind us of the price He paid.  

If you stop and think about it, COMMUNION is kind of weird.  We eat some bread and drink some juice or wine.  And one of these elements represents his blood and the other His body. That's weird.!  But I think that's the point.  There's something we do which is a bit strange which forces us to remember something important.  It breaks our cycle of life and reminds us of what Christ did for us.

There was an actual week in human history where Jesus was betrayed, arrested, denied, mocked, tortured, and killed.  It happened!  But it happened so that our sins might be forgiven.

Christ suffered and died for our sins.  We can't forget that. We can't get used to that.  

We must remember it!



   seanc Sean Chandler | Associate Pastor

Sean has been a part of the association of Hill Country Bible Churches for over twenty years. He received Christ as a youth while attending Hill Country Bible Church Austin. He attended Hill Country Bible Church NW from 1989 to 2002. At that time he began attending HCBC Pflugerville. He served as a student ministry intern there for two years. In 2008, Sean graduated from Columbia International University with a double major in Bible and Bible teaching. Sean married his wife, Jennifer, in 2006. Their first child, Liam, was born in 2012, and their second, Chloe, was born in 2014.

He blogs regularly at