Remember the Death of Our Lord | John 19
This past Sunday we partook in communion. At the Last Supper Jesus gave very specific instructions on how we wanted His followers to remember what was about to happen. John 19 details that which we are to remember, The Crucifixion.
Throughout the chapter we are exposed to the many ways in which Christ suffered for our sins.
- He was flogged (v. 1)
- A crown of thorns was placed on His head (v. 2)
- He was mocked (v. 3)
- They beat Him with their hands (v. 3)
- He was convicted of a crime He was found guilty of
- He was crucified (v. 18)
- They took His things (v. 23)
- He was separated from His mother (v. 26)
- He died (v. 30)
What we often forget is that there was something far worse which Christ endured on the cross.
Christ tasted SIN for the first time.
The FATHER turned from Christ.
For the first time in eternity Christ experienced impurity. He bore the sin of all mankind for the sake of mankind.
What makes this so much more incredible is that Christ was still in control while all of this was happening.
11 Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.
- Christ created the planet they were all standing.
- Christ sustains the universe which allowed these moments to occur (Colossians 1:15-20).
- Christ put Pilate in authority.
- Christ knit together the men who flogged Him (Psalm 139).
- Christ died for the men who nailed Him to the cross.
During all of this Christ still reigned supreme!
The cross reminds of two life altering truths:
- My sin had an EXTREME price, and I should NEVER take it lightly.
- My God has a GREATER love, and would pay the ultimate price to get me back.
- Spend a few minutes in reflection on the great price of your sin, and the great love God showed in sending His son.
- Then spend a few minutes confessing your sins.
- Finally thank God for sending His Son to pay the price we should have paid.
Sean Chandler | Associate Pastor
Sean has been a part of the association of Hill Country Bible Churches for over twenty years. He received Christ as a youth while attending Hill Country Bible Church Austin. He attended Hill Country Bible Church NW from 1989 to 2002. At that time he began attending HCBC Pflugerville. He served as a student ministry intern there for two years. In 2008, Sean graduated from Columbia International University with a double major in Bible and Bible teaching. Sean married his wife, Jennifer, in 2006. Their first child, Liam, was born in 2012, and their second, Chloe, was born in 2014.
He blogs regularly at
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