Romans 5



If you missed last Friday’s blog, Scott opened our blog entries on the book of Romans with some really good advice; “Don't take any of the next several chapters in isolation.” Chapter five kind of forces you to heed that warning. Most translations begin chapter 5 with the word “Therefore.” I’ve heard and read a lot that when you are studying scripture and come to the word “therefore”, you should automatically be asking yourself, “What is it there for?”

So for us to really understand and grasp the weightiness of chapter 5 we have to look back to chapter 4. Yesterday Tom did a great job of helping us see how God used Abraham as an example of His saving grace. It was Abraham’s faithfulness to God and trusting that God would keep His promises, which put Abraham in a right standing with God. Paul drives the fact that we are saved by faith, not by works. We are rescued by faith. Paul teaches us that it was because Abraham trusted God that he was counted righteous or justified in the sight of God.

This leads us to Chapter 5. For me I find this section of scripture comforting and encouraging, all because of the promises God has made to us, followers of Christ. Because of the life and death of Jesus Christ, God no longer sees us as enemies but as sons and daughters. Which means we don’t have to live under the fear of His righteous judgment and wrath. Our debt has been paid and we can live in our new identity. Remember that Abraham was first named Abram, but then God made him a covenant with him and gave him a new identity.

Paul goes on to tell us that we can have absolute confidence in our new status before God, and we can look in joyful anticipation to the Judgment Day when we, as believers will be glorified and made perfect. But we don’t have to wait for that day to enjoy the grace and blessing from the Author of Life because He assures us that the moment we accept God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will pour God’s love into our hearts. This one is huge for us because, we can now view our seasons of suffering and tribulations with a new perspective. Just as Sean preached about this past Sunday, we can walk through those seasons with our eyes and hearts firmly locked on the promises of God and have a sense of peace and joy and comfort in the reality that God keeps His promises.

The part of the scripture that really gets me though is verse 8.

“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

A great of example of this playing out in scripture is when Jesus calls Matthew to follow him. The Bible tells us that Matthew was IN the tax booth, “while we were sinners…” Matthew was actively engaged in his sin! Yet Jesus invites him to leave that life for a better one.

When I think about the part of my life before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior: all the dirt and garbage I took part in, the rebellious and selfish attitude I had, Jesus died for me. Two thousand years ago while on the cross, in the most brutal and agonizing point of his earthly ministry Jesus was thinking of me specifically, and you, specifically. Through it all he remained faithful and obedient because he too knew the promises of God the Father.

God’s promises are real and true. We can hold firmly to the hope that we have in the security provided by Jesus’ death on the cross. We can celebrate the freedom we have in our new identities, which are anchored at the Cross. We can live free from fear of shame or humiliation or guilt and boldly proclaim the glory and majesty of the One who made all things and who will return to make all things new again.


Father, my heart is filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for You because you did not leave me in my sin. Thank you for revealing Yourself to me and for loving me first even though so many times I declared war against You. I have nothing to offer to reconcile the debt I have accrued and continue to accrue, but You in your grace and mercy have provided the Way. You are patient and merciful and worthy of all of my praise. Jesus, you are my Lord and Saviour. Thank you for loving me and paying my debt at the expense of Your life. Thank you for the example you set for me to follow to bring you honor and Glory. Holy Spirit, thank you for taking up shop in this wretched heart of mine and making it new. Please continue to lead me in Your ways so that those who do not know You would be drawn to You, and those that do know You would feel encouraged and loved because of the glorious work you have done in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray.


 Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 10.53.01 AM Marty Pina | Elder

Marty and Cecily began attending Hutto Bible Church in August of 2008. They both began living out their faith in 2003 while attending Gateway Community Church in Austin. They were married there in 2004. Marty serves in children's ministry, as a small group leader, small group coordinator and as a shepherd. Cecily has served as a C-group leader in student ministry in the past. She currently serves on the worship team and co-leads a small group and co-shepherds with Marty. Marty is currently employed as a network engineer for Time Warner Cable. Cecily is a medical billing software trainer for Brightree. They have two daughters, Alexis (19) and Zoe (8).

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