Tempting Times


I Corinthians 10

When I first opened my Bible to this chapter, the verse that I had previously underlined in red (so it must have been important) jumped out at me:

V13: “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but will make the way of escape, that you will be able to bear it.”

As extraordinarily important as it is, I am so glad that God has brought this back to my attention. It is so easy to read a scripture and remember it for a while and then allow it to drift off into the caverns of our mind (all the more reason to read the Word daily and commit it to memory!). When I think back to the times when I was tempted and begin to analyze each situation, I immediately identify the opportunities God provided to divert the temptation from me – He ALWAYS provides an out for us. So the ball is in our court – it is all about choices. When we ignore that window He gives us to resist the temptation, we find ourselves right back in the slavery of sin or making poor choices that are not in His will and in turn pleading with God to once again help us out of our jam. And He does comes through, but there is always a price to pay.

One of the greatest temptations that our Lord endured during His ministry on earth was in the wilderness after a 40-day fast when Jesus was at His weakest physically. In Matthew 4, He is repeatedly tempted by the deceiver and each time He uses the same defense – the Word of God – until finally, the devil concedes defeat and leaves Him and the angels come and minister to Him. He suffered the same temptations that we experience today and always overcame them. I doubt that most of us even come close to having to endure what our Savior went through, so after that great example, why do we struggle to do the same?

Paul continues to warn the Corinthians and all believers to avoid the sins that brought dire consequences to the Israelites:

Vs 6-9: “…We should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. And do not become idolaters…nor let us commit sexual immorality…nor let us tempt Christ…nor complain as some of them complained and were destroyed by the destroyer.”

All through time we see history repeat itself when, in fact, it does not have to be that way according to God. He equips us with all the tools and opportunities we need to escape the temptations of Satan. God is faithful to temper every temptation and bring it within the limits of our endurance as an obedient child of God, never letting any temptation overpower anyone who truly trusts and obeys Him.

Finally, Paul concludes this chapter by addressing the importance of not eating the remains of an idol-sacrifice which was especially important during those times. He very eloquently sums up the discussion with this advice:

V31 “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”

Give thanks before each meal and nothing will harm you. And whatever you do, do it to the glory of God for whom all praise and glory is due.

Father, I pray that every person who reads these words will be encouraged in knowing that whatever temptation comes our way, You are faithful to deliver us from it. When we are weak, let us find our strength in You and our defense in Your Word. Amen

dale adams Dale Adams | Small Group Coordinator

Dale & his wife Vickie are active members of Hutto Bible Church. Dale is currently serving as Coordinator of the Small Group Ministry.

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