The Story Isn't Over

through the new testament acts


Last we saw Paul, he was shipwrecked on his way to Rome.

Chapter 28 picks up right where 27 left us. Paul washes ashore, and spends three months where he landed. Then, he continues his journey to Rome. After years of attempting to go to Rome, he finally arrives. What does he do?

He goes to the Jewish leadership.
He preaches the gospel.

And then, it ends with these words:

30 For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. 31 He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!

Then, the book ends!

If you’ve been reading all along, this end is a bit anti-climactic. This isn’t the first time Paul has shown up in a city, gone to the Jews, and then preached the gospel. That seems to be a recurring pattern; it ends somewhere we’ve been before.

Are we missing a chapter? Shouldn’t the story continue?

The Lost Chapter | Acts 29

The reality is that the reason the story doesn’t have a good finale is that the story didn’t end. The church in Rome continued to grow and, eventually, in the 4th century, Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Since that time, Christianity has shaped Western culture.

However, more important than political changes, WE are the continuation of this story. In Acts, we see Paul and the Apostles start the church. We are the torchbearers of that mission. We are a continuation of the call in Acts 1:8 to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

You are the missionary to your neighborhood. 
You are the missionary to your job.
You are the missionary to your school. 
You are the continuation of this story.

What is the story you’re going to write?

I’ll leave you with this final challenge for the book of Acts:

If your life story was recorded in Acts 29, what is the story you would want recorded? If you look at the life you're currently living, would it make sense to end your chapter with, "He [She] proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!”? 

From Harper's Bible Dictionary 

 life of paul


Sean Chandler jpg SEAN CHANDLER  |  Associate Pastor 

Sean has been a part of the association of Hill Country Bible Churches for over twenty years. He received Christ as a youth while attending Hill Country Bible Church Austin. He attended Hill Country Bible Church NW from 1989 to 2002. At that time he began attending HCBC Pflugerville. He served as a student ministry intern there for two years. In 2008, Sean graduated from Columbia International University with a double major in Bible and Bible teaching. Sean married his wife, Jennifer, in 2006. Their first child, Liam, was born in 2012.

He blogs regularly at

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