Walking With Jesus


Luke 24

If you have been going through the reading plan with us this year, you will remember reading of Jesus’ resurrection, post-mortem appearances, and his ascension in both Mark and Matthew. These events are extremely important to the foundation of our faith as Christians, and Christ-followers.

But in Luke, there is a narrative tucked in between Jesus’ resurrection and his appearances to his apostles that we don’t get in Matthew and is just barely mentioned in Mark. That is the story of the two disciples walking on the road to Emmaus. There is one verse in this story that has been stuck in my mind all week. That verse captures the response the disciples had after they realized they just had most likely the greatest bible study in the history of creation.

Verse 32 reads,

They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

To recap, in Luke 23 we read about the death and burial of Jesus. Luke 24 picks up with the two Mary’s and Joanna finding the empty tomb. They encounter an angel who explains that Jesus has been resurrected and is in fact still alive. So they run to tell the rest of the disciples, but the men didn’t believe them. This is where the story picks up.

At first two of the disciples are walking and talking about the events of the past three days when a “strangers” approaches and asks what they are discussing. They don’t recognize they are talking with the resurrected Jesus, and start to tell this “stranger” about how Jesus was supposed to be the redeemer and ruler of Israel, but had been killed by the religious leaders. It becomes very apparent that they are very disheartened, distraught and discouraged. But then this “stranger” explains that these events were foretold by all the prophets hundreds of years prior, and that it was necessary. Then verse 27,

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

This is what I mean by, “the greatest bible study in the history of creation.” It just has to be! Imagine sitting with Jesus and listening to him explain that the entire Old Testament is a foreshadowing of him. I remember when I used to read portions of the Old Testament and be thoroughly confused (I still am most of time) and wondering what this story is about, or why is this story in here. And what’s with all the laws in Leviticus? And don’t get me started on all the “begats” in the book of Numbers. But this stranger explains all of these things and the teachings of the prophets like Isaiah, Ezekiel and the other prophets into simple form to these two men, and it all points to the Messiah. Imagine the awe and wonder they must have felt as Jesus lines up all the stories and historical facts in their proper context so that they realize the Old Testament is not just a collection of books or stories, but it is actually one story joined together by a single thread. It’s a historical narrative of how God rescues those He loves and will one day rescue them forever. It’s about Jesus. And as the picture becomes more and more clear, the disciples begin to feel their hearts burning with excitement and joy and hope.

Here’s the thing though, I don’t have to imagine, I just have to remember. I’ll admit, sticking to this reading plan has been a real struggle for me at times. But I have had moments during the first half of this reading plan where Scripture came alive and I understood things I didn’t understand before, and I felt my heart burn within me with the same sort of excitement and joy that the disciples must have felt. That reason makes it easier for me to approach each daily reading assignment as a time when the Holy Spirit might reveal something else that will change my life and transform my heart. I’ve also talked with others who have said something similar, and that is a huge encouragement to me.

I also feel that those moments aren’t isolated to just reading scripture. I’ve experienced that same burning in my heart during corporate worship on Sunday, or while teaching in Children’s Ministry, or even just hanging out with friends who love the bible and love Jesus. So as I prepare myself and my family for the second half of this year to continue serving faithfully and giving sacrificially of our time and money, I will use verse 32 as a reminder to keep pressing on to love and serve others. I would encourage you to do the same.

“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 10.53.01 AM Marty Pina | Elder

Marty and Cecily began attending Hutto Bible Church in August of 2008. They both began living out their faith in 2003 while attending Gateway Community Church in Austin. They were married there in 2004. Marty serves in children's ministry, as a small group leader, small group coordinator and as a shepherd. Cecily has served as a C-group leader in student ministry in the past. She currently serves on the worship team and co-leads a small group and co-shepherds with Marty. Marty is currently employed as a network engineer for Time Warner Cable. Cecily is a medical billing software trainer for Brightree. They have two daughters, Alexis and Zoe.

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