Sermons from Mark

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September 15, 2024

Actual Followers

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Disciple Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 10:35–45

September 1, 2024

Kingdoms in Conflict

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Disciple Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 1:14–15, Genesis 3:13–15

March 10, 2024

Commendable Worship

Speaker: James Foster Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 10:45

August 14, 2022

For the Sake of Others

Speaker: Trey Dove Topic: Book Study Passage: Mark 10:35–45

August 15, 2021

Unfolding Grace - Week 32

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Unfolding Grace Topic: Book Study Passage: Mark 13:1– 16:20

August 1, 2021

Unfolding Grace - Week 31

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Unfolding Grace Topic: Book Study Passage: Mark 9:1– 12:44

July 25, 2021

Unfolding Grace - Week 30

Speaker: Michael Hall Series: Unfolding Grace Topic: Book Study Passage: Mark 5:1– 8:38

July 18, 2021

Unfolding Grace - Week 29

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Unfolding Grace Topic: Book Study Passage: Mark 1:1– 4:41

December 1, 2019

Believe | Belong | Become, Part 4

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Believe | Belong | Become Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 1:14–20

September 18, 2016

In God We Trust, Part 1: Jesus & Politics

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: In God We Trust Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 12:13–17

May 8, 2016

Jesus Said So, Part 3: "Love!"

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Jesus Said So Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 12:28–31

May 1, 2016

Jesus Said So, Part 2: "Listen Up!"

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Jesus Said So Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 4:21–25

February 2, 2014

Part 3: Not So With You

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Follow Me Topic: Book Study Passage: Mark 10:35–10:45

January 26, 2014

Part 2: The Cost of Discipleship

Speaker: Jason Smith Series: Follow Me Topic: Book Study Passage: Mark 8:27–8:38

January 19, 2014

Part 1: Called To. . .

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Follow Me Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 3:13–8:29

August 26, 2012

Part 4: Rich People Go To Hell

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 10:24–10:25

August 12, 2012

Part 2: Cut Off Your Hand

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 9:43–9:47

May 20, 2012

Part 1: Think of What You Were When You Were Called

Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: The Gospel Changes Everything Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 1:14–1:20