A lot of the things that Jesus said were shocking. Most would say they were extreme. Things like, “Love your enemies,” “Cut off your hand,” and “Hate your parents.” Throughout the month of August we will be unpacking a few of His statements that were sure to have left the disciples asking, "Did Jesus really say that?"
Did Jesus Really Say That?
Back to Sermon ArchiveSeptember 9, 2012
Part 6: "Love your enemies"
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 5:43–5:48
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September 2, 2012
Part 5: Not Everyone Who Says To Me, "Lord, Lord"
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Matthew 7:21–7:23
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August 26, 2012
Part 4: Rich People Go To Hell
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 10:24–10:25
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August 19, 2012
Part 3: Hate Your Mother
Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Luke 14:26
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August 12, 2012
Part 2: Cut Off Your Hand
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Mark 9:43–9:47
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August 5, 2012
Part 1: Take Up Your Cross
Speaker: Bobby Pruitt Series: Did Jesus Really Say That? Topic: Topical Passage: Luke 9:23–9:24
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