

1 Timothy 1

Paul’s letter to Timothy in chapter 1 touches on a few points that needed to be addressed then as much as they do now. Through our readings this year it has stuck out to me that things have not changed much even though 1900+ years have passed. We are all sinners, imperfect, and all fall short. We struggle, get confused, can become lost and stray away from time to time. Paul touches on this often in his letters and it has stuck with me- especially his thankfulness and ability to address the grace of God

1 Timothy 1:12-14 Paul expresses his thankfulness and gratitude for grace. Grace brought him strength, humility and gave him mercy. Mercy neither he nor I deserve but we are given and available to all should we choose to accept it. How did he receive grace and receive mercy? With faith and love that are in Christ Jesus (v 14), and it’s available to all should we believe in him.

I am thankful to be extended grace, granted mercy and forgiveness that I do not deserve. Ephesians 2:8 states “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”. Paul’s reminder of God’s grace extends in most if not all of his letters; the reminder to me is something that I can sometimes take for granted. A key part of grace is forgiveness; and in order to forgive, one must have compassion. God’s love for us never ends.

We are all forgiven regardless of our past as Paul states in verse 15, Christ’s love for us is unconditional- God’s Grace is endless.

Screen Shot 2014-04-10 at 9.05.23 AM Chris Haby | Church Member

Chris is an acitve member of Hutto Bible Church. He and his wife Jacki are the proud parents of two boys, Brennan & Liam. Chris & Jacki both serve faithfully as preschool teachers in our Children's Ministry.

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