Lost & Found



I don’t know about you but I think all too often we look at the story of Zacchaeus like a children’s bible story with a cute song, “Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he…” But I can really relate to Zacchaeus. Not just because we are both short and we can’t see in large crowds. But because I know what it feels like to be a lost sinner that seems invisible and/or disliked to everyone around me.

At the age of fifteen I was basically in charge of raising myself and I knew that so far I was not doing a very good job at it and had made some really huge mistakes. I didn’t know that what I was feeling was the weight of sin because I didn’t grow up in church. My parents were not believers. I always just knew there was a God and wanted to know more about Him but my parents did not care for my questions about religion. So I went through life knowing about guilt and loneliness but nothing about grace and love from God. I was lost and I desperately needed to be found.

I used to hang out at church on Friday nights after football games. Partly because that’s where the other kids were hanging out but also because I just liked being at church. It felt peaceful there. The pastor was very friendly and actually took the time to get to know me. This was crazy to me because I had never had someone show such a genuine interest in my well being before. I didn’t really understand why he would care about little ‘ole me. He invited me to come to church on Sunday. At first I was embarrassed as I explained to him that I couldn’t come because my parents would never bring me. He told me to come by myself. I was shocked! I had never even thought about the fact that I could go to church on my own without my family. I was also embarrassed because I had nothing to wear. He told me to come as I was – no one cared what I was wearing.

That invitation changed my whole life! Because someone cared enough to talk to me and invite me to church … to see me in my lostness and love me anyway … I was able to hear and respond to the gospel. I was the only believer in my family for many years. My parents didn’t even come to my baptism but it didn’t dissuade me. I knew as soon as I heard the gospel that it was what I was missing my whole life.

Just like Zacchaeus many people were not happy for me that I had this new life and plenty thought I didn’t deserve it. Guess what … I didn’t … I still don’t. That’s the whole point!!

For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.

So, look around you. Who needs to be noticed? Who needs to know that they matter to God no matter what they’ve done or have been through? A simple conversation, an invitation, a caring word can be just what someone needs to hear today. It could open up an opportunity to share the gospel with them and change their life for eternity!

Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 3.39.14 PM Jeanene Hill |Office Manager

Jeanene and her husband Lester moved to Hutto in 2005. They have three children: Jacob, Dylan & Adam. As a teenager, Jeanene accepted Christ and committed to seeking a life that honors Him. She has spent many years working in the pregnancy resource and childcare fields. Currently Jeanene works as the Office Manager and volunteers as the Children’s Ministry Director. Contact Jeanene Hill: [email protected]


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