Online Devotionals | Psalm 86
As a way to stay connected with you and help you stay connected with the Word of God, we will be providing short, video devotionals for you that will cover our church-wide bible reading plan. We marvel at God’s sovereignty in preparing in advance for us to read through the book of Psalms together at a time when we desperately need to be reminded of where our hope comes from.
Highlands (Song of Ascent)
O how high would I climb mountains
If the mountains were where You hide
O how far I’d scale the valleys
If You graced the other side
O how long have I chased rivers
From lowly seas to where they rise
Against the rush of grace descending
From the source of its supply
In the highlands and the heartache
You’re neither more or less inclined
I would search and stop at nothing
You’re just not that hard to find
So I will praise You on the mountain
And I will praise You when the mountain’s in my way
You’re the summit where my feet are
So I will praise You in the valleys all the same
No less God within the shadows
No less faithful when the night leads me astray
You’re the heaven where my heart is
In the highlands and the heartache all the same
O how far beneath Your glory
Does Your kindness extend the path
From where Your feet rest on the sunrise
To where You sweep the sinner’s past
O how fast would You come running
If just to shadow me through the night
Trace my steps through all my failure
And walk me out the other side
For who could dare ascend that mountain
That valleyed hill called Calvary
But for the One I call Good Shepherd
Who like a lamb was slain for me
Whatever I walk through
Wherever I am
Your Name can move mountains
Wherever I stand
And if ever I walk through
The valley of death
I’ll sing through the shadows
My song of ascent
From the gravest of all valleys
Come the pastures we call grace
A mighty river flowing upwards
From a deep but empty grave
Words and Music by Joel Houston & Benjamin Hastings
© 2018 Hillsong Music Publishing
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1 Comment
Susan Apr 28, 2020 @ 7:02 am