Taking Note of Jesus Today | Hebrews 3

through the new testament hebrews

Hebrews 3

I'm by nature a procrastinator. I suppose it is a form of lack of submission to authority and it is a failing I need work on with the aid of the Holy Spirit. I've got a long list of things I'd like to do, investigate, learn, consider, or work on someday. And some of the entries on that list have such a thick layer of dust on them that I've forgotten they were ever there.

So I understand the inclination to put off until another day the mental effort required to carefully consider and settle an issue that has far-reaching implications for our lives. But it is precisely such issues (those with far-reaching implications for how we live) that call for our immediate attention.

The life and teachings of Jesus put before us (all of us, no matter our current stance towards Him) some key implications we should give attention to today.

If Jesus' story is true, it implies:

  • There is a meaning and purpose to our lives beyond just whatever meaning we subjectively give it -- and we'll never be fulfilled apart from knowing and seeking it.
  • Life in this world can be better than I'm currently living it. Even if I am an atheist or skeptic who feels fully happy in unbelief, there are multitudinous believers who would tell me there is a better way. Are they all wrong? Could I be blind to something I'm missing?
  • There is an opportunity for an eternal life -- not the shallow parody of harps, clouds, and angel's wings but a real eternity where we can maximize the potential we were created for in service to the creator of a magnificent universe. An eternity of being fully human -- as humans were intended to be.
  • Not only is there a creator -- He loves you and is seeking a restored relationship with you. All that is needed is your willingness to trust Him.
  • The more fully we follow Him, the more fully we experience the life we were created for.
  • The sooner we learn to live in His ways, the sooner we begin to experience the life He intended and the more opportunities we have to be an influence on and blessing to others.

To wait for another day is to deprive yourself and those you love of these benefits -- why would you wait?

In chapters one and two of Hebrews, the author has already noted several distinctive things about Jesus that make Him worthy of our careful consideration:

  • As the bringer of a new covenant, he has been given a more honored status than any of the prophets who came before, or even than the angels that men tend to hold in awe.
  • Unlike a prophet (like Moses, for example) who was wholly human, or angels who are wholly other and different from us. Jesus was God made flesh. He lived a fully human life to be like us. This means that He can relate to us and be able to help us -- and that we can know that He understands what it is to live as we do.

In this chapter the writer calls us to "take note of Jesus" and to give it our attention today.

Heb 3:1 Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, partners in a heavenly
calling, take note of Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we

Heb 3:7 Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, "Oh, that today you
would listen as he speaks!

Here is his appeal:

You (the original audience, probably well-educated Jewish believers) honor Moses -- Jesus is worthy of more honor. (v. 1-6)

  • As an apostle ("sent-one") and high priest, faithful to God -- just as Moses was sent by God in a role that was at least somewhat "priestly".
  • But more than Moses, like the difference between a house and the builder of a house, since Moses' role was as a part of God's covenant with His people but Jesus is the creator of the new covenant with us.
  • More than Moses, like the difference between a household servant and a son, since Moses was merely a faithful servant while Jesus was, in a unique way, God's son.

You have an opportunity to avoid the mistakes of your forefathers (v. 7-12)

  • They resisted God (this is a reference to Israel's faithlessness in the wilderness during the exodus) and had to wander and die the wilderness when they could have trusted Him and entered the land He promised.

You should treat every day with urgency, resolving not only to hold our own confidence in Him but to exhort others so that no one should forsake Him. (v. 12-15)

  • Really, all we ever have is "today". We can no longer change yesterday and have no assurance of tomorrow. So "Today" is the day we should give Jesus our full attention and exhort others to do the same.

Those who harden their hearts against God, miss out on what He has promised. (v. 16-19)

  • The story of the exodus is an ideal case study proving that point.

My Prayer Today:

Father, help me today to give Jesus the attention He deserves. Strengthen me in my resolve to put off nothing to another day that you would have me do today. Help me to care enough about all those around me (my family, my church family, my coworkers and my neighbors) to take every opportunity to influence, encourage and exhort them to not harden their hearts against you and miss out on all you would give us.

Help us, your church, to not waste this precious day you have given us, but to be obedient within it for your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom. Amen.


Screen Shot 2014-02-21 at 8.14.53 AMSCOTT PURCELL | Elder

Scott committed his life to Christ as a child under the teaching of his parents and church. He graduated from Ozark Christian College in 1989 with bachelors degree in Biblical Literature and served 8 years as Minister of two churches in Missouri and then 3 years as a Church Planter in San Marcos. Since then, he has worked as a technical trainer at Dell and Rackspace. In 2008 Scott and Nan joined HCBC-NW and then Hutto Bible in 2011. Scott serves in Small Group leadership, as secretary to the Elder board, and as the elder over IT and Discipleship. Scott and Nan have been married since 1985 and have three children (Mindy Schultea (married), Kate, and Matthew) and two grandchildren. 


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