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Pursuing God in 2022


As we look to the new year, I think it's important for all of us to ask,what would God have me pursue in 2022?Now in reality, we are all going to pursue something or someone. At the end of next year, all of our8,760 hourswill be filled up with something. On behalf of your elders and staff, our hope is that your minutes are marked bythe pursuit of God.We are living in a ver...

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How to Not Lose Heart


How to Not Lose Heart READ: 2 Corinthians 4:1 to 5:10 Read 2 Corinthians 4:1 to 5:10. Ask yourself the questions "what do I see?" and "what does it say?" regarding the Bible passage. Please be willing to share your observations with the group. The Apostle Paul warned of "tampering" with God's Word. What do you see as the dangers of this practice? What practice...

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TITUS - Week 7: Thick Skin and a Tender Heart


Week 7: Thick Skin and a Tender Heart What isonesignificant truthyou have learned from our7-weekstudythrough the book of Titus? Read Titus 3:9-11 Do you have thick skinanda tender heart,neitherof the two, or one of thembutnotthe other? After telling Titus tostressthe truth ofthegospel(3:8), Paul then told him to avoid other things. Whaterrorsdid Paul ...

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TITUS - Week 6: Thy Mercy, My God


Week 6: Thy Mercy, My God From Sunday'ssermon, what did you find either mostencouragingor mostchallenging? Read Titus 3:1-8.Whatis theroleof humangovernmentand ourresponsibilityto those incivil authority? (See also Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-15) What are thebordersof itsauthorityand thelimitsourobedience? Paul moved from ourresponsibilitytowardgovernmen...

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TITUS - Week 4: The Character of a Healthy Church


Week 4: The Character of a Healthy Church From Sunday'ssermon, what did you find either mostencouragingor mostchallenging? Read Titus 2:1-10.Whatinstructionsare given specifically forTitus? Why isteaching the truthsoimportant? Of the4 typesof people listed in verses 2-8, whichtypeare you? As you look at your life, how do Paul's words here offer you bot...

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TITUS - Week 5: Belief Enacted


Week 5: Belief Enacted Read Titus 2:11-15.How would yousummarizethe meaning of the phrase,"you are what you believe"? How have youseenthis to be true in bothpositive, andnegativeways? How would youdefinethe word,"Grace"? Whatdo you think Paulmeanswhen he says, "For the grace of God appeared"(Titus 2:11)? And why is this such a significant phrase? ...

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TITUS - Week 3: The Ministry of Confrontation


Week 3: The Ministry of Confrontation From Sunday's sermon, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging? In your reading of the entire letter of Titus, how were you encouraged? How were you challenged? Read Titus 1:9-16. Based on Paul's instructions to Titus, how can you spot a false teacher; what are their characteristics? Are y...

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TITUS - Week 2: What Good Order and Good Leadership Looks Like


Week 2: What Good Order and Good Leadership Looks Like From Sunday's sermon, what did you find either most encouraging or most challenging? Why is good order essential to health in a church? Can you think of some examples where good order is not present in the Church (big C) today? Please discuss? Will you pray for Hutto Bible Church to continue to have g...

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TITUS - Week 1: Truth That Leads to Godliness


Week 1: Truth That Leads to Godliness From Sunday'ssermon, what did you find either mostencouragingor mostchallenging? Read Titus 1:1-4.Paul identifies himself as "a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ."What is your identity? What uniqueabilities,gifts,resources, orexperiencesmight you use toservethe Lord and bring Him glory? In vers...

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Semana 39 - El Rey habla a Sus iglesias (Apocalipsis 1-3)

Unfolding Grace Blog Post_Spanish

El Rey habla a Sus iglesias Semana 39 Apocalipsis 1-3 Desde que el pecado entró en el mundo, Dios comenzó a desarrollar su plan de gracia para redimir al mundo. Hemos trazado su promesa de enviar un salvador que renovaría la humanidad y el mundo. Y ahora Jesús ha venido por nosotros y por nuestra salvación. Él ha tomado nuestra maldición de la muerte...

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