Church-Wide Meeting | January 24
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Keep ReadingFollow along with the reading plan for the sermon series Sent....
New phone wallpapers to inspire you as we go through our Breathe series....
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Keep ReadingIn preparation for my sermon on Hebrews 7, here are the resources which I found most helpful. BOOKS What's So Amazing About Grace? The Grace of God The Explicit Gospel (Paperback Edition) COMMENTARIES Hebrews (Life Application Bible Studies: NLT) The ESV Study Bible SERMONS Hill Country Bible Church Austin - Joey Losurdo Austin Ridge Bible Church - Bl...
Keep ReadingSince moving into our current facility, our church has experienced significant growth both in attendance and ministry. In just the last two years we've added a Latino service and taken over the Weekend Lunchbox program. As we continue to push forward to reach more people with the gospel, we have seen both our student and children's ministries outgrow their facilities. ...
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