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Discussion Questions - Week 2

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Unfolding Grace Week 2 The Flood and God's Covenant with Noah (Genesis 6-9 ) Read pages 23-32 in Unfolding Grace this week. This has been an eventful, and awful week. What have you heard, seen, read, or experienced that has encouraged you in the past seven days? What does the judgment of the flood teach us about humanity's character? Compare Genesis 6:5 ...

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Semana 2 - El diluvio y el pacto de Dios con Noé

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El diluvio y el pacto de Dios con No Gnesis 6-9 Aunque Dios hace todas las cosas buenas, el pecado entra en el mundo y le muerte se extiende a todas las personas. El comienzo de esta historia del diluvio resume la condicin del mundo: la humanidad se hunde constantemente en la oscuridad espiritual y la confusin moral, lamentando el corazn mism...

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Discussion Questions - Week 1

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Unfolding Grace Week 1 God's Creation and Humanity's Fall (Genesis 14 ) Read pages 5-20 in Unfolding Grace this week. 1. What are you praying for God to do in your life in 2021? What do you hope to get out of your reading of Unfolding Grace? 2. What were some of your insights/thoughts from Genesis 1-4? 3. Luke 24:27 tells us that, "Beginning with Moses and ...

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La Gracia en desarrollo - Semana 1

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Unfolding Grace/ (La Gracia en desarrollo)- Semana 1 La Creacin de Dios y la Cada de la humanidad Lee La Introduccin (12.30.20) y semana (1.3.21) en lnea HBC blog y Gnesis 1-4 1 Qu ests orando para que Dios haga en tu vida en 2021? Qu esperas sacar de tu lectura de Unfolding Grace/ La Gracia en desarrollo y las lecturas bblicas? 2 Cules fueron algunas de sus idea...

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Devocional en español | Introducción

Unfolding Grace Blog Post_Spanish

Introduccin Nos encantan las historias picas. Es porque- al nivel ms profundo-somos parte de una. La Biblia cuenta una sola narrativa que est en toda la Biblia, y es el cuento verdadero del mundo. Es el cuento en desarrollo de la graciade Dios. Todos nacimos ya parte de este drama, y es solo cuando llegamos a conocer el cuento y a su Autor que encontramos nuestra identida...

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Semana 1 | La Creación de Dios y la Caída de la humanidad

Unfolding Grace Blog Post_Spanish

La Creacin de Dios y la Cada de la humanidad Las palabras iniciales de la Biblia nos dirigen al principio mismo de la historia del mundo. En estos primeros captulos aprendemos cmo Dios crea todas las cosas y hace a la humanidad a su imagen. Aprendemos cmo nos ha hecho disfrutar de su presencia y reflejar su bondad gobernando su mundo. Aprendemos que originalmente no haba ...

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Online Devotions | Psalm 147-150

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As a way to stay connected with you and help you stay connected with the Word of God, we will be providing short, video devotionals for you that will cover our church-wide bible reading plan. We marvel at God's sovereignty in preparing in advance for us to read through the book of Psalms together at a time when we desperately need to be reminded of where our hope comes fro...

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Online Devotions | Psalms 144-146

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As a way to stay connected with you and help you stay connected with the Word of God, we will be providing short, video devotionals for you that will cover our church-wide bible reading plan. We marvel at God's sovereignty in preparing in advance for us to read through the book of Psalms together at a time when we desperately need to be reminded of where our hope comes fro...

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Online Devotions | Psalm 143

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As a way to stay connected with you and help you stay connected with the Word of God, we will be providing short, video devotionals for you that will cover our church-wide bible reading plan. We marvel at God's sovereignty in preparing in advance for us to read through the book of Psalms together at a time when we desperately need to be reminded of where our hope comes fro...

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Online Devotions | Psalm 138

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As a way to stay connected with you and help you stay connected with the Word of God, we will be providing short, video devotionals for you that will cover our church-wide bible reading plan. We marvel at God's sovereignty in preparing in advance for us to read through the book of Psalms together at a time when we desperately need to be reminded of where our hope comes fro...

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